We know it's important to be connected. In a L.I.F.E. Group (small group 6-20 individuals) setting you'd be surprised how many people have the same interests, plans, and hopes as you.
At Calvary, we're trying to make it easier for you to find people who share your interests. We know that when you get together with people and have fun, you'll begin to grow into a strong community that serves and grows together. Life Groups meet Sundays at 9:15 am.
College & Young AdultsÂ
Discuss the Word and how it impacts, influences, and intersects with the lives of individuals who are college-aged and young adults.

Current EventsÂ
Discuss topics that are currently in the news or that are hot topics in popular culture from biblical perspective. It is an opportunity to hear the hearts of God's people. All voices are welcome.
Elementary LifeÂ
The focus of this life group is to grow elementary age children as young soldiers for Christ. For children age 4 to 5th grade.

Golden YearsÂ
The groups engages in discussions of Faith, Love and Hope; and items pertaining to senior life.
High School Life Group
The focus of this life group is to impact the lives of high school students and to equip high school age students to grow in and share their faith.

Marriage Matters
For married couples and engaged individuals that seeks to enhance, encourage, and exhort couples to walk out God's plan for their marriages. The goal of the group is to create an environment that promotes unity, mutual respect, and candor in the group that transfers to group members everyday life.
Middle School Life Group
The focus of this life group is to impact the lives of middle school students and to equip middle school age students to grow in and share their faith.

Men of CalvaryÂ
Where men can share what is happening in their lives and to receive guidance from other men on how to best navigate their situation as a single, married, or widowed man of God. The purpose of the group is to help men reach their full potential in every area of their life.
New MembersÂ
Where men can share what is happening in their lives and to receive guidance from other men on how to best navigate their situation as a single, married, or widowed man of God. The purpose of the group is to help men reach their full potential in every area of their life.

Prayer Matters
During this life group you will be taught the fundamentals of prayer and intercession. Individuals will be given the tools to enter into the presence of God and bask in fellowship in God's face. Prayer is a powerful offensive weapon that every believer has the right to use.
Through the BibleÂ
This life group systematically goes through the entire Bible highlighting core themes and doctrines of each book of the Bible. In this life group individuals will grow in their knowledge of scripture and be engaged in relevant conversations related to the practical application of scripture.

Women of CalvaryÂ
For women of all ages to discuss real-life issues that impact the lives of women. The goal of the group is to create an environment of trust and honesty that challenges women to be spiritual warriors that God has called them to be.